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Saturday, September 28, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Westfield shops dominate the latest exposure sites

SHOPS in Westfield Belconnen dominate the latest update to the close and casual list of exposure sites. The list, as of 11.30pm on August 20, has risen by 16 to 289 total sites. 

ACT Health says any CLOSE contact who has been to any of the following locations at the dates and times specified must:

Anyone identified as a CASUAL casual contact must:

  • complete the ACT Contact Declaration Form:
  • immediately quarantine
  • get tested for COVID-19 as advised by ACT Health:
    • If you were at the casual contact location less than 4 days ago, you will need two tests. You need to get a test as soon as possible. You will need to get another test on day 5 after you were at the casual contact location. You need to remain in quarantine for the whole time, until you receive a negative test result from the second test.
    • If you were at the casual contact location 4 or more days ago, you only need to get one test. You should get tested as soon as possible. You will need to remain in quarantine until you receive a negative test result.
    • Get tested again for COVID-19 if you experience any symptoms, no matter how mild.

Here is the latest update to the ACT list: 

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