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Saturday, September 28, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

ACT records two covid-related deaths

TWO men, one in his 70s and one in his 80s, have died with COVID-19, marking 84 deaths in the ACT since the start of the pandemic.

It comes as the ACT records 1143 new cases of COVID-19 today (July 11), via 515 PCRs and 628 RATs.

ACT Health notes that 154 RATs, of the 628 recorded today, were from the 24 hour period up to 8pm on Sunday, but were not included in yesterday’s report due to a technical issue.

There are 136 people in hospitals throughout Canberra with COVID-19, with five people receiving care in the intensive care unit, and three people requiring ventilation.

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