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Saturday, September 28, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Woman dead as covid hospital cases hit record high

Australia braces for third, contagious wave of Omicron

A WOMAN in her seventies is the 82nd person to lose her life with covid since the pandemic began in the ACT in March, 2020.

He death comes as ACT Health battles 7858 active cases in Canberra. According to figures issued this afternoon (July 9), daily case numbers continued to hold for the 12th consecutive day above a thousand cases with hospital numbers back to record highs. 

There are 1120 new covid cases reported today (566 PCR and 554 RAT), adding to the ACT pandemic total of 168,874 infections.

COVID-19 hospital numbers sit at 138 patients, with five in ICU and three on ventilation.


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