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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

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New season promises to redefine the orchestral scene

As the curtain rises on its 2024 season, Music for Canberra CEO Kathleen Grant says the city’s cultural landscape is set to be transformed by an exhilarating line-up of new ensembles led by visionary conductors, and a series of groundbreaking performances that promise to redefine the orchestral scene.

She says the vanguard of learning opportunities include:

• Louise Butler Strings: Amanda Philipse leads the Louise Butler Strings, a nurturing ground for budding virtuosos. This ensemble is a tribute to Louise Butler’s enduring musical legacy, shaping the next generation of Canberra’s musicians.

• Gilby Strings: Under Anna Harrison’s direction, the Gilby Strings honour a family integral to Canberra’s musical heritage. This ensemble is a crucible where young talents are honed. And as a special tribute, the first chair now holds the esteemed title of BJ Gilby Chair.

• McCusker Strings: Conducted by Jenny Higgs, the McCusker Strings serve as a pathway to the prestigious Canberra Youth Orchestra, transforming talent into refined musicianship ready for a career in music.

Photo: Peter Hislop

The Canberra Youth Orchestra: Set for a triumphant season

Louis Sharpe leads the CYO into a year of ambitious undertakings:

• Tour of Goulburn: More than just a concert, this tour is a journey into the heart of regional Australia, showcasing the CYO’s talent and inspiring new audiences.

• Collaboration with Orange Youth Orchestra: A testament to the power of youthful energy and musical collaboration performs on February 18 and promises to be a highlight of the Canberran calendar.

• Gala Concert at Albert Hall: June 29 promises to be a reawakening of the traditional Strauss Ball.

“Music for Canberra envisions this night to be a lineup of gorgeous melodies and whirling dancers in colourful ballgowns. Y night at Albert Hall, where each note played by the CYO is a narrative of dedication and achievement,” says Kathleen Grant.

“This event marks a reboot of energy and a renewed focus on learning pathways, unveiling an exciting year of orchestral and string playing.

“2024 will be a celebration of our journey, our milestones, and to express our gratitude to those who’ve supported us – our musicians, our community, and our staff.

“Music for Canberra’s 2024 season promises to be more than just a series of concerts; it is a celebration of the unifying power of music. With their distinguished conductors, these ensembles are set to etch a new chapter in Canberra’s musical heritage.”

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