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Sunday, January 5, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

A record summer for European wasps


WASP expert for Territory and Municipal Services, Dr Philip Spradbery, says there has been a significant increase in European wasp activity across the ACT, with more than double the number of wasp nests reported compared with the same time last year.

“More than 700 nests have been reported since the beginning of the year,” Phillip said and he is encouraging residents to continue to report sightings and nests.

“I have answered more than 1,700 phone calls about wasp activity and stinging episodes this year, which is significantly higher than the number of calls made to the Wasp Hotline last year.

“This year, in terms of the number and size of the nests being reported, wasp activity is the highest it has been since the European wasp was first reported around Canberra in 1984.

“The current wasp situation probably results from fine, dry spring weather in south east Australia when wasp nests were being established by single queens. This is their most vulnerable stage, and the favourable conditions have ensured the survival of a greater than average number of queens.

“The young wasp larvae or grubs require a protein-rich diet which is collected in the form of insects and spiders and also pet food, meat at barbeques and picnics as well as carrion including roadkill. Wasps invade homes and gardens, fresh food markets and outdoor eating places in their search for food.

“TAMS’ staff have been conducting searches in parkland around the ACT and recently conducted baiting with specialised animal proof baits at sites with higher wasp concentrations, but the most effective way of reducing wasp numbers is to treat as many nests before they start releasing queens that will hibernate over winter and form embryo nests next spring. To do this we need the support of the community to report wasp sightings and suspected nests.

“With wasp colonies rearing the new crop of queens – and possible populations of 3,000 workers per colony – the wasps will need to increase foraging activities, the need to locate and destroy nests is now greater than ever.

“Queen production will continue until winter, and it is important nests are reported before queens are released for hibernation.”

If nests are found, contact the European Wasp Hotline on 6162 1914 for advice. If you are stung, apply an ice pack. If you have difficulty breathing after being stung this indicates a severe allergic reaction and you should seek medical attention urgently.

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