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Sunday, September 15, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

We’re not too proud to ask

LET’S not mince words. “CityNews” is looking gloomily into the dark tunnel of the coronavirus pandemic and can see no light ahead. 

We feel for all our advertisers, everyone in fact, who are having parallel experiences. 

The tough times have started and no amount of government assistance can cushion everyone along the indefinite, bumpy road to recovery. We have no paywall to fall back on.

But we are determinedly here for the long run and it is our duty, as a serious and conscientious independent voice in Canberra, to continue to publish in paper and on the internet. Especially so, beyond the coronavirus catastrophe, in this critical election year in the ACT. 

To do this, we’ve never needed more help from our advertisers and our readers in maintaining our constant output of reliable news and views.

We care about our staff and vulnerable colleagues are working from home. Doubtless, more will follow. 

We urge readers to support the advertisers who support us to keep a free, community news resource afloat.

And if you can help, we’re not too proud to ask for it. Donations made via the PressPatron system to CityNews will help keep credible local news and information in your hands. Knowledge is power, please subscribe to some. 

Ian Meikle, editor


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