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Views on the news from Canberra’s top columnists


How did the Scots get a reputation for thriftiness?

To quote American journalist Ambrose Bierce: "A Scotsman is a man who, before sending his pyjamas to the laundry, stuffs a sock in each pocket." Whimsy columnist CLIVE WILLIAMS wonders why Scottish people are renowned for their frugalness. 

It's called Canberra Promises and, as KEEPING UP THE ACT reports, it's an exhibition of all the ACT government's artistic impressions of the magic that can be achieved through dabs of light, smoke and mirrors.


More transparency needed on ACT public service jobs

How does the ACT government ensure that raw political and union loyalties are more than balanced out by higher quality experience, skills and abilities needed for publicly paid-for staffer positions, asks letter writer SUE DYER, of Downer.

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