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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

New timetable misses the bus

INTRODUCTION of the controversial revision of Canberra’s bus routes has been delayed as a result of the light rail construction dragging its heels and running behind schedule.

“We expect light rail to be operational in early 2019, but the exact date is yet to be confirmed,” says Transport Minister Meegan Fitzharris, who has been forced to announce that the new bus network will be delayed until April ahead of the start of the second term of the new school year.

Transport Minister Meegan Fitzharris.

Schools and community groups have been complaining about the lateness and lack of detail ahead of the original new year start. The new date will allow the community, especially school students and their families, certainty around when the new bus network commences on Saturday, April 27. 

Transport Canberra will finally release timetables early March. The timetable for all dedicated school bus services will ensure all these services arrive in time for the beginning of the school day, consistent with the longstanding policy.

The current bus network will continue in term one next year.


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