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Saturday, September 7, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

AMP to introduce ‘nightclub lockouts’

THE Australian Motorist Party have bid to introduce nightclub lockouts and reduced trading hours in “high energy precincts” if elected.

The party announced today they would trial the same program which has been introduced in Newcastle, which includes no nightclub entry after 1.30am and no alcohol sold between the hours of 3am and 10am.

A weekly rotated roster would see half the licenced premises in high energy precincts rostered to close at 2.00am and the remainder at 3.00am.

The roster would be rotated on a weekly basis, with AMP candidate for Ginninderra Chic Henry saying this would “reduce the rush for transport home and the anti-social problems that arise as a result.”

“Our concerns also flow over to the recreational drug use which we believe is of major concern especially in our nightspots,” he says.

“We would increase the use of drug squad detectives in plain clothes to circulate through licensed premises during busy times. We would also look at introducing minimum lighting levels in premises to assist with drug detection.”

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