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Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

New confirmed covid case in hospital

ACT chief health officer Dr Kerryn Coleman.

CANBERRA has recorded 12 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, with one of the new cases in hospital. The total number of active cases in the ACT is 94. 

At this stage, the case in hospital is stable and does not require ventilation or any intensive level of support, according to ACT chief health officer Dr Kerryn Coleman.

“We are working closely with the hospital on identifying any contacts,” she says.  

Eleven of the new cases are linked to existing cases and existing exposure sites, and one new case is still under investigation. 

One case, from a previous reporting day, has been eliminated by ACT Health officials after they discovered a duplication in the figures, says Dr Coleman.

Out of the 94 cases, seven remain under investigation, including the source infection for the latest outbreak in the ACT, Dr Coleman says. 

There are also three cases in the surrounding region that are linked to the ACT outbreak. 

At this stage, Dr Coleman says 43 per cent of the cases are aged zero to 17, which reflects the school clusters that Canberra is seeing.  

“More broadly, 46 per cent are aged 18 to 44, and 11 per cent are aged over 44,” she says.

The public sites of transmission remain at seven and include Lyneham High School, which now has 25 cases associated with it, Fiction nightclub has 13, Lennock Jaguar dealership has eight cases associated with it, Gold Creek School has five, Belconnen basketball stadium has three, Downer Community Centre three and the Assembly Bar has three.

The number of people in quarantine as of midday, August 20, is 18,200, and almost 7000 tests were conducted in the last 24 hours.

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