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Saturday, January 11, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Artsday / CSO brings music to the river

CSO Music by the River.

CANBERRA Symphony Orchestra returns to Queanbeyan for “Music by the River”, an annual community concert on the banks of the Queanbeyan river. Concertmaster Kirsten Williams will direct the music. Queen Elizabeth ll Park, Queanbeyan, 4pm-10pm, Saturday, February 27. Free, no bookings required.

A work by Tommy Balogh.

ABSTRACT artist Tommy Balogh will unveil his latest body of work, “Dark Side of the Moon”, painted with light-reactive media, created during the pandemic, in the video production studio, Digital Content Studios in Queanbeyan. The exhibition will include interactive artworks that need no external lighting, including the new “Masterspin”. DCS Studios, 11 Bedford Street, Queanbeyan West, 10am-5pm, Saturday, February 26, and 10am to 4pm, Sunday, February 27. Free but bookings essential.

TUGGERANONG Arts Centre is holding a Q&A called “Capturing a Life” about the exhibition “Jack, John and Kempsey” with political journalist Karen Middleton, Nigel Featherstone, Anna Georgia and Katy Mutton at 2:30pm this Saturday, February 27. Registrations essential.

Prize-winning bonsai.

CANBERRA Bonsai Society presents “Australian Plants as Bonsai”, which will illustrate how members have been using Australian plants to create examples of the art. Bonsai from the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia at the National Arboretum will be on show. Crosbie Morrison Building, Australian National Botanic Gardens, 9.30am-4.30pm Saturday, February 27, and 9.30am-4pm, Sunday, February 28.

Groote Eylandt singer-songwriter Emily Wurramara.

THE “SummerSalt” outdoor concert series comes to Canberra, with The Teskey Brothers, The Cat Empire, John Butler, Boy & Bear, Groote Eylandt singer-songwriter Emily Wurramara and Montaigne, who will represent Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam during May. Stage 88, Saturday, February 27, book here.  

PARRAMATTA poet and goldsmith, Todd Turner, joins Canberra tanka poet Carmel Summers for “Geoff’s Poetry at Smiths”, Smiths Alternative, 76 Alinga St, Civic, 7-9pm, Monday, March 1. Bookings with online payment here.

Miriam Lieberman.

MIRIAM Lieberman will be in town this weekend performing on the kora (21-stringed African harp) and acoustic guitar, blending the West African sound with pop. Her acoustic trio also features Lara Goodridge on violin and vocals (Baby et Lulu, FourPlay) and Susie Bishop (Chaika, Meremba), also on violin and vocals. The Street Theatre, 7.30pm, Saturday, February 27, book here or 6247 1223.

Caribé Havana.

ALSO at The Street will be Caribé Havana, with Cuban jazz, dance, chanting and storytelling. Dancer Adrian Medina intends to get wallflowers and hip-shakers alike dancing in their seats. At 4pm, Sunday, February 28, book at or 6247 1223.

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Ian Meikle, editor

Helen Musa

Helen Musa

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