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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Exposure sites send 80 bus drivers into quarantine

MORE than 80 bus drivers are in quarantine after bus services were identified as close contact exposure sites in recent days. 

Many drivers in quarantine are linked to school exposure sites, forcing the ACT government to move bus services to the standard summer holiday bus timetable from Wednesday, August 25.

Weekend services will remain the same and light rail will continue to run to its regular frequency at this time.

Following this announcement, Transport Minister Chris Steel has reminded Canberrans to only use public transport for essential reasons during this time.

“If you have COVID-19 symptoms please do not travel on public transport,” he said.

The interim timetable will still see 4199 services delivered daily during the week, 1753 services on Saturday and 1205 on Sundays.

The interim timetable will remain in place until further notice.

Dedicated school bus services will not run while the interim timetable is in place.

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