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Kangaroo cull closes six nature reserves

A CONSERVATION cull of Eastern Grey Kangaroos will see six Canberra nature reserves closed over five evenings. 

From 6pm-8am, Sunday (May 16) to Thursday, six – Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve, Mt Majura Nature Reserve, Farrer Ridge Nature Reserve, East Jerrabomberra Grasslands, Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary and Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve – of 39 Canberra nature parks will be shut to “remove” 1568 Eastern Grey Kangaroos.

Service director Daniel Iglesias says: “We are confident [that culling 1568] will manage grazing pressure and achieve priority conservation outcomes while maintaining public, staff and contractor safety.

“Kangaroos are an integral part of the ecosystems around Canberra and we hope the community will understand that the conservation cull is vital for the wellbeing of the environment and the many plants and animals that call our reserves home.

“Research demonstrates that overgrazing by kangaroos, particularly in critical conservation areas, can threaten the survival of local grassland sites and species as well as cause erosion and promote weed infestations.

“The cull is undertaken is strict accordance with the National Code of Practice for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Non-Commercial Purposes. The ACT also employs additional measures so that best-practice animal welfare standards are met and exceeded.

“To help improve public safety and detect illegal activity, warning signs will be placed at all entry points to the reserves, surveillance cameras will be used, and reserves will be patrolled by Parks and Conservation Service staff during operations.”

The nature reserves will remain open during the day and will be open on weekends from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon.

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2 Responses to Kangaroo cull closes six nature reserves

Poppy Mavros says: 22 May 2021 at 8:47 pm

Shame on the govt for the cruel and unnecessary slaughter of our kangaroos

Anthony says: 24 May 2021 at 8:05 am

If you’ve ever lived in an area where people are killed from hitting kangaroos on the road at night you wouldn’t say that.


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