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Friday, February 21, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Plans underway to upgrade Queanbeyan station

Queanbeyan Railway Station.
PLANNING is underway for an accessibility upgrade at Queanbeyan Station.
The project is part of the NSW government’s Transport Access Program and will make it easier for people with a disability, limited mobility, parents and carers with prams and customers with luggage to access the station.
Proposed concept design.
Paths and kerb ramps at the front of the station will be upgraded, a new “kiss and ride” zone will be established, the waiting room will be modified, toilets and lighting will also be improved. New accessible car spaces and a new taxi zone will also be added.
Concept designs for the project have been completed.
The NSW government would like the community to have their say on the proposed station upgrades until October 24 and can do so by calling 1800 684490 or by emailing
The project is expected to be completed by mid 2022.

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