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Tram gives developers a free infrastructure ride

The blue shaded area indicates the government’s “urban intensification” zone… “the greenery along Adelaide Avenue and Yarra Glen is part of what makes this city wonderful and shouldn’t be bulldozed to throw profits to developers.”

“The tram is a public-financed benefit for the city’s developers – thank you, ACT Greens, for the idea. The naivety of this once-credible political group is stunning,” writes “Canberra Matters” columnist PAUL COSTIGAN.

THROUGHOUT history, the growth in government propaganda is linked to increasing authoritarianism. The more they lie, the more they concoct alternative facts to justify dubious actions and to distract from real intentions.

Paul Costigan.

While this is happening big time nationally, it has been increasingly happening within the ACT Labor/Greens government over the last decade. 

Being respectful of others is rarely a performance criterion used by this coalition government. They operate as if it is painful to have to deal with residents who, for mysterious reasons, insist that this government should be maintaining and increasing liveable urban environments and biodiverse-rich habits.

This ACT government’s handling of planning and development is well accepted as being not about the residents. The government pays far more attention to favoured lobbyists, a cohort of developers friendly to individuals within the government. 

One of the most obvious examples of this government’s bad behaviour is its handling of the introduction of the tram. The provocative nature of the debates about the tram allowed the government to use propaganda to condemn those opposed to the tram as being old timers opposed to modern public-transport initiatives.

These noisy debates, especially the previous screaming campaigns by the ACT Liberals, while raising what may have been legitimate matters about the financing and relevance of the tram as a form of 21st century transport, kept the focus away from the reality of what this issue has been about. This applies today with the roll out of the Commonwealth Avenue tram and, eventually, the tram to Woden. 

Building this tram network will have some benefits as a public transport system. But the prime purpose for the introduction of trams is about providing infrastructure to assist with developments alongside the tram routes. The tram is a public-financed benefit for the city’s developers – thank you, ACT Greens, for the idea. 

The Gungahlin-Civic tram was heralded by the ACT Greens as a win for public transport. The naivety of this once-credible political group is stunning. It may have been a good idea to start with, but the Barr developer-friendly politicians and bureaucrats seized the opportunity to use the tram routes as development bonanzas. 

The developments that happen alongside the tram going south will upturn the lives of many owner-occupiers (developers speak for residents). What’s a few discomforts for silly people living in their homes when the developer lobby, assisted by this ACT government, can use these established and liveable suburbs for development opportunities.

It is a simple logic that the tram going south is unnecessary. There is already an efficient express bus system – and with some road improvements, this could be changed over to electric buses and be even more efficient; the Woden community has been desperately seeking improvements to the cycleways into Civic, and not have to divert to the lakeside to avoid being dangerously close to speeding traffic (often doing 80km/h plus); the greenery along Adelaide Avenue and Yarra Glen is part of Canberra’s ambience and heritage that makes this city wonderful. These should be kept, not bulldozed to throw profits to developers.

The tram going south, as with the Commonwealth Avenue tram, has become an unstoppable fundamentalist ideology of the ACT Labor/Green politicians. They know it is about development of the foreshores (West Basin) and then mass suburban developments along the corridor on any lands that can be seized and handed over for developer investment (profits guaranteed). 

They “consult” when necessary, but do so as little as possible. They sideline any logical evidence-based arguments. The notion that planning decisions need to involve the affected residents is laughable to this cohort of authoritarian politicians. This lot have become accustomed to having their way despite polite and passionate opposition from residents. Sadly, the ACT Liberals are yet to function as a viable alternative government.

To those who care for the city and to those who live along the corridor for the tram going south, keep focused on what the government is already spending huge bucks on. Engineers, planners and consultants are laying the groundwork for the transformation that is almost guaranteed to happen to the inner-south greenery, open spaces and suburbs. The clock is very quietly ticking on this.

Paul Costigan is an independent commentator and consultant on the visual arts, photography, urban design, environmental issues and everyday matters. Read more of his columns on

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Ian Meikle, editor

Paul Costigan

Paul Costigan

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13 Responses to Tram gives developers a free infrastructure ride

Matt Watts says: 9 March 2022 at 7:05 am

Thank you for this article but, to be honest, you are late to the party. I have stated this sentiment for as long as Stage One has been planned in appropriate online fora, only for the letters to the editor to not be published, and the Public Transport for Canberra admins to ban my contributions to their page.

The same development concern would exist when the tram is taken to Belconnen. The light rail business model is urban infill; does that mean Barry Drive will have apartments along it?

The greatest fraud perpetrated against the ACT people was the notion that Stage One would improve public transport outcomes between Gungahlin and Civic when, once all the new apartments are built along the route, there would be more cars using fewer lanes.

And note: I actually support the concept of light rail if implemented correctly!

Palmerston's Umasked Lament says: 9 March 2022 at 1:32 pm

The debate has been long and the message has always been the same – the tram is a debacle and is for one sole purpose … revenue. The fact it makes a certain “The Simpsons” episode seem like a prescient documentary makes it even more painful.

The only way that change will happen is through the ballot box; the issue remains the decade plus lack of any opposition worth the effort of voting for.

The longer Barr remains centre stage, the more entrenched this neo-liberal economic model becomes normalised. But there is also a balancing point to be aware of: the more the actions of a much younger CM cause consequences for current and future Barr and the more the past needs to be corrected. There will come a time when these past actions catch up with any leader, and I suspect, in his heart of hearts, Barr knows he is living on borrowed time.

Nick says: 13 March 2022 at 4:54 pm

Hi Matt, I got distracted by the unhinged attack on the Greens / ALP. Is it an kick in the head article or a discussion about the merits of tram corredor development? You tell me, mate, and then re-tell me what issue I am supposed to stick to.

Matt Watts says: 14 March 2022 at 2:56 pm

Well Nick, considering you use personal attacks to claim the article is an unhinged personal attack, I probably shouldn’t waste my time with you. You even use the lazy and flaccid attack trope that was referenced in the article, i.e. to imply the author is against development.

Far from publicising the article’s flaws, you are proving it correct!

Nick says: 14 March 2022 at 8:37 pm

Whatever. The article is an agressive attack on the ALP / Greens, not a discussion about economics. I vote Green. Go the tram! Ha!

Matt Watts says: 15 March 2022 at 11:10 am

Not aggressive at all.

But if you vote Green, you should realise they campaigned at the last election to duplicate the Stage Two route so that express services could exist. The idea was rejected by their ALP coalition partners. Even the Greens acknowledge the Stage One failures!

Nick says: 16 March 2022 at 7:32 am

Sorry, the article was an aggressive political attack. It obscured any other argument you may have been trying to make. It is why the Libs will never win in CBR despite the need to keep the ALP accountable, to wit, too negative, isoteric, and think you can take offensive free kicks at the left without coming across as complete d-heads.

Matt Watts says: 16 March 2022 at 9:31 am

Wow. Do you realise your own hysteria does not control the perception of others? Take a chill pill, dude.

Matt Watts says: 16 March 2022 at 10:17 am

I am empirically chilled. The article and I have put forward sound reasoning for why the tram design is inappropriate for Canberra and, rather than address those concerns, all you do is troll hysterically.

I don’t care how you vote or whether you like the tram, but please get a hobby.

Ian Meikle says: 16 March 2022 at 11:22 am

Okay, Matt and Nick, I think we’ll end this line commentary there. Happy to run anything on a different theme, but we’ve exhausted this one. Cheers.


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