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Like nappies, governments need changing regularly

The Liberals appear to want to remain in opposition forever, says letter writer MARIA GREENE, of Curtin. “Our territory deserves better than our tired government. It seems our only hope is that some teal-type candidates hold the balance of power.”

GOVERNMENTS need changing regularly, like nappies, and for the same reason. 

Write to

Our rates, the ridiculous tram, our credit rating, our “planning” debacles, and the general state of roads and signage give the Liberals a chance to take over, especially with a sensible leader. 

So why do they oppose progressive Labor policies such as evidence-based treatment of drug addiction? 

In a territory where people support same-sex marriage, a Voice for First Nation’s people and women’s rights to control their own bodies, why does Jeremy Hanson hold a dinner to honour Zed? 

The Liberals appear to want to remain in opposition forever. Our territory deserves better than our tired (tram to keep Shane happy) government. It seems our only hope is that some teal-type candidates hold the balance of power.

Maria Greene, Curtin

New blood is what is needed in the ACT

I AGREE with columnist Michael Moore (CN September 21) that the loss of the ACT’s AAA credit rating proves, once again, that the woeful Labor/Greens simply cannot, nor are able to manage any budget or balance our books.

This mob have become so secretive and underhanded with everything they touch, and are clearly totally lacking in integrity.

Perhaps the 39 per cent of “political” public servants in Canberra, could give some serious thought to giving this arrogant, complacent, non-productive, secretive, toxic and stale government the massive boot it deserves for landing the ACT in so much debt. 

One million dollars a day in interest repayments, with it increasing over time. We are already the highest taxed state in Australia, so no more taxes!

Barr and his economic wreckers need to go! They can all apply for a job to the World Economic Forum, along with their incompetent mate Dan Andrews, seeing as he lost Victoria’s AAA rating as well.

Wake up all you public servants; we need change and we need it now. 

New blood is what is needed in the ACT, not the recycled wrecking balls that they have become!

Ros Thomas, Gordon

Concerns about new crematorium

CANBERRANS might not be aware that the ACT government has recently approved a crematorium to be built on the corner of Mugga and Narrabundah Lanes (opposite Domestic Dog Services), Symonston.

Crematories have been identified as sources of various environmental pollutants. Cremation releases harmful gases such as mercury and dioxin. And the energy needed for one single cremation is the equivalent of the power an average person uses for an entire month.

Nevertheless, the people who live in the surrounding suburbs can rest easy because ACT Health has raised no concerns about the bad odour of smoke that will be emitted from the furnace.

In addition to the environmental issues, 15 trees used for foraging by the Swift Parrot may be removed or damaged during construction. 

As well as this, the development will further fragment the habitat of the wildlife who live in Callum Brae, Mt Mugga Mugga and Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserves.

Can Canberrans really accept the assurances of the ACT government when they state “the development is not considered to impact on the climate to warrant refusal …”.

Robyn Soxsmith, Kambah

Matter of time before someone trips in Deakin

PETER French (Letters, CN October 26) relates a harrowing story of how an elderly woman tripped on raised pavement blocks at the Red Hill shops and suffered serious injuries, including fractured facial bones and the loss of three front teeth. She has every right to sue the responsible authority, company, or person, depending on where responsibility lies.

There are numerous trip hazards at the Deakin shops. I am not aware of anyone being injured due to tripping on one of these hazards. However, a few weeks ago, I tripped on a centimetre-high displacement between two concrete slabs close to the IGA supermarket and almost fell.

It’s just a matter of time before someone trips, falls, and is injured – perhaps seriously.

Something must be done to prevent this from happening. Over to you, Mr Barr.

Dr Douglas Mackenzie, Deakin

The sky has not fallen in, move on

THE people have spoken, the Voice has been resoundingly rejected; the sky has not fallen in and the rest of the world has been conspicuously silent on the issue, making a mockery of how Australia would have been seen as a racist country as advocated by pro-Voicers.

It’s now time to move on.

Mario Stivala, Belconnen

Vegan foods for humans and pets

WOW. Although I was aware of the detrimental environmental impacts of animal agriculture, I had not previously considered the significant role our pooches are playing (“Vegan dogs could help save the planet” CN October 12). 

That the world’s domesticated cats and dogs consume seven billion land animals as well as billions of fish each year is as extraordinary as it is unsustainable. 

It seems humans and our pets could all benefit from switching to more plant-based diets. Our health would be better. And plant-based meals create far fewer greenhouse gas emissions, save fresh water and use less land, fertilisers and pesticides. Where possible, let’s embrace vegan foods for both ourselves and our pets.

Amy Hiller, via email

The wonder of animals who glow in UV light

FASCINATING to read of new research discovering mammals that glow in ultraviolet light (“Mammals shine bright in the right light”, CN, October 12). 

This includes humans, which was established “some time ago”. However, the discovery in animals is yet another reason for protecting and conserving native wildlife and their habitat. 

Our beautiful environment is full of wonders and we must help it thrive for its own sake and ours.

Barbara Fraser, via email

Do more for local indigenous residents 

JULIE Tongs’ lament over Boomanulla Oval (CN October 19) reminded me of the convincing victory the Voice’s “Yes” had in the ACT. A victory indicating much more needs to be done to help our own indigenous residents. 

So, how about it, Mr Barr and your Labor/Green government? Not only the Narrabundah oval but improvements to education, employment, health, housing and prison reform, in support of which most of Canberra’s population voted.

Greg Cornwell, Yarralumla

How about cameras to catch tailgaters?

POTENTIALLY better than speed cameras? Set up a traffic camera system to fine “tailgaters”.

Peter Norton-Baker, Crace

Drug prevention ‘imprisoned’ in misguided ideologies

BILL Bush’s article “How reducing drug harm beats law enforcement” (CN, October 12) is yet another example of meaningful discussion on illicit drugs being impossible unless discussants understand the three principles of prevention governing illicit drug use – primary, secondary, and tertiary. 

What decides the progression or regression of an illicit drug epidemic? If the number of first-time users does not fall substantially, the epidemic cannot be contained. 

According to Commonwealth Health figures, in 1995 there were an estimated 10,000 people on methadone in Australia. Leading health bodies estimate this figure has increased to about 52,000. 

While methadone treatment has an accepted link in treating opiate use, with some it remains questionable with the term “liquid handcuffs” used. So where is the harm reduction? A five-fold decrease in opiate users would certainly qualify as harm reduction, but not the opposite.

In 2014, a report by the UN on drugs and crime found that Australia had the highest proportion of per-capita (illicit) drug use in the world, with the number of users continuing to rise steadily. 

If a drug strategy is formulated and implemented in terms of alleviating the situation of those already drug dependent, the effectiveness of primary prevention is severely reduced and opens the floodgates for first-time users.

Recommendation 8 of a 2007 House of Reps report recognised this ever-growing societal cancer and recommended that the Commonwealth government bring to the Council of Australian Governments a national drug strategy, which contained a resolute aim of achieving permanent drug-free status for the drug-afflicted. 

No government since has made any serious attempt to implement this recommendation. So while morbidity/mortality and taxpayer costs for secondary and tertiary treatments balloon – primary prevention, the cornerstone of resolving the drug epidemic remains imprisoned in misguided ineffective ideologies.

Colliss Parrett, director Drugs of Dependence, Barton

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One Response to Like nappies, governments need changing regularly

S. Draw. K. Cab. says: 31 October 2023 at 8:58 am

@Peter Norton-Baker, Crace

Sure. When you stop driving in the RHL below the speed limit with no obstacle in front of you blissfully ignoring the traffic building up behind you. A very Canberran thing to do.


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