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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

New CMAG job goes back to the future

Anna Wong at CMAG

AFTER a very long period of acting in the directorship of CMAG, Anna Wong has been appointed to the new position of director of ACT Galleries, Museums and Heritage, an expanded role that returns to earlier practice at the institution.

Wong has a background in museum and cultural heritage management, having worked at historic, cultural, and natural organisation, including the National Capital Authority, NSW National Trust, and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

A former lecturer in heritage studies at the University of Sydney, her doctoral research focused on the Australian heritage conservation movement through the house museum genre.

Wong’s appointment comes alongside the launch of the Cultural Facilities Corporation’s new strategic plan and mission to “create and drive diverse and remarkable experiences that enliven and elevate arts, culture, and heritage in the capital.”

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Ian Meikle, editor

Helen Musa

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