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Scruffy suburbs: Libs want regular maintenance

Scruffy suburbs… Nicole Lawder wants the government to schedule regular maintenance.

IT’S time the ACT government started cleaning up Canberra’s neighbourhoods, says Nicole Lawder. 

The opposition’s City Services spokesperson is planning to move a motion in the ACT  Legislative Assembly on Tuesday calling on the government to develop a suburban maintenance strategy to improve the cleanliness of Canberra suburbs.

“For years now, we have been hearing from residents about the slipping standards of suburban maintenance throughout Canberra,” Ms Lawder said.

“Whether it’s overgrown grass, pothole plagued roads or broken play equipment being left unusable for months, Canberrans are rightly tired of their neighbourhoods being neglected.

“Despite repeated community complaints, the Labor-Greens government has failed to adequately prioritise this issue. Basic local services only get minor additional investment when the Labor-Greens Government has no choice but to listen to the barrage of community outrage.

“Take mowing for instance, the Labor-Greens government only acted following enormous community pressure to do so. Yet despite this, they’ve refused to make the rapid mowing response team a permanent initiative, irrespective of Assembly committee reports recommending just that.”


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4 Responses to Scruffy suburbs: Libs want regular maintenance

cbrapsycho says: 19 September 2023 at 7:32 am

This ACT government only cares about shiny new things. Everything else is ignored or sacrificed, so left completely neglected. A local government that does not care about existing residents, instead focussed on attracting new ones who will also become ignored once they’re part of the territory. Selfish short-sighted thinking.

Curious Canberran says: 19 September 2023 at 2:21 pm

The state of the suburbs, at least in my area (Tuggeranong) are a disgrace. Everything is run-down, broken, vandalised, gratified, dumping and so on…. I watched an ACT works vehicle ‘cleaning’ an underpass near the local shops. What couldn’t be achieved with a leaf-blower in 10 minutes wasn’t touched. Multiple large rocks laying around, blocked drains, such a build-up of mud that accumulated over the years with huge weeds growing (you get the picture), was all left untouched – the best effort was blowing away some loose leafs. All I can do is lodge everything I see with ‘Fix My Street’. This is the result of getting a train – basic services just suffer and get put further and further back. Soon we’ll have our rubbish bins only emptied every second week – because we can’t afford proper services anymore – I predict it’ll only get worse.

Figjam says: 19 September 2023 at 2:52 pm

Soon rubbish bins emptied every second week, well that is the present situation in some suburbs. The green bin is emptied each week because that is really required, but the bins that could have pungent smells have to wait two weeks.

Figjam says: 19 September 2023 at 2:45 pm

But the TRAM has to be paid for. Stuff those that live in any areas not serviced by the TRAM, everything is focused around the TRAM and the future TRAM to Woden so everyone else has to suffer with sub standard localities. Don’t worry that your rates increased say 500% over the last so many years, we have to all pay for the TRAM. Don’t worry if you live in Belconnen, Weston, Tuggeranong and all those areas not near a TRAM route or a proposed TRAM route, just know all that extra fees and rates you are paying is for the better good of those living near a TRAM line.

I live in a suburb that has had a non maintained for over 15 years oval attached to a primary school and do you think I don’t care about exorbitant rates and not having a local sports oval in which to SAFELY run or kick a ball upon, no of course not, a TRAM has to be paid for. Sure the oval with tuffs of weeds and varied surface with holes and depressions is something that needs to be carefully negotiated when walking on the non maintained oval, so sure keep funding the TRAM and everything else associated with the TRAM, that benefits the few. Maybe the luscious and we’ll maintained ovals in the GOLd STANDARD suburb of ARANDA should be used, after all having elected ACT Government politicians living in that suburb have that well looked after. Have a look at Google maps and look for the non maintained ovals in Belconnen, they are the brown ones in (disadvantaged?) suburbs, then look at the bright green ovals, those are the well looked after suburbs. Some will say those images are years old, maybe but nothing has changed across many years after all there is a TRAM to pay for.


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