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Sunday, September 8, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

25 arrests in police focus on Civic

Police have arrested 25 people, including more than a dozen in one night, following the launch of the City Safe Campaign on July 8.

The police campaign targets criminal acts and anti-social behaviour in licenced premises, local businesses and high foot traffic around Civic and Braddon. focused on policing

The 25 arrests were for various offences including theft, breach of bail, possessing stolen property, breaching good behaviour orders and assault.

A further six people were lodged into protective custody at the ACT Watch House or transported to the Sobering Up Shelter to ensure their safety due to their level of intoxication. Seven people were issued with move on directions for drinking in public.

Officer in charge of City Police Station, A/Supt Dave Craft, said the first two weeks of the operation had seen more foot patrols in the central business district and around city bars and nightclubs.

“We want people to feel safe while moving through the city and we do that by looking out for people who may be vulnerable and need a little bit of help, or by intervening in situations where people are acting aggressively,” he said.

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