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Candidate feels frustration at not getting issues fixed

Independent candidate for Ginninderra MIGNONNE CULLEN says her interaction with local people has identified key issues concerning residents of Ginninderra and the wider community. She shares some of them here. 

Mignonne Cullen is standing as an independent candidate for the seat of Ginninderra in this year’s ACT election. 

Independent candidate for Ginninderra Mignonne Cullen.

“I’ve spent the years since the last election deeply involved in all aspects of life in the Belconnen community and firmly believe that party affiliations compromise the ability to represent the electorate,” Cullen says.

“That time has shown me the frustration of residents in getting action from Legislative Assembly members on everyday issues that don’t figure in the party line.”

Cullen, who unsuccessfully contested the 2020 election, says her interaction with local people has identified key issues concerning residents of Ginninderra and the wider community.

“It goes without saying that a supply of appropriate and affordable housing – suitable for all ages and abilities – tops the list,” she said.

“There needs to be greater emphasis on providing shelter for the homeless, perhaps repurposing unoccupied buildings, and ensuring that social housing is well maintained and fit for purpose.

“I’m philosophically opposed to light rail. The government is hell-bent on pushing ahead with it, to the detriment of so many more important services that in the past have made Canberra a model city.

“This in turn raises the question of the present government’s ability to manage its finances with its wholesale approach to punitive taxes and duties that hamstring so many aspects of living and doing business here. 

“We need greater emphasis not only on housing but other essentials – health, the environment, public transport and education – and better support for police and emergency service personnel. Light rail is a bottomless pit that denies adequate funding to all these areas. One has only to see the state of our roads, footpaths and open spaces to
realise this.

“In the lead up to the election, members of the government have embarked on the cynical exercise of promoting remedial work in these areas as part of their bid for re-election, when it should have been an ongoing commitment over the course of the last parliament.”

Cullen, a former registered nurse and midwife, also holds certificates in community service and alcohol and other drugs dependency. She is a former RAAF member with experience in aeromedical evacuation, health promotion and the ADF directorate of Protocol and Visits.

A Ginninderra resident for nearly 30 years, she was a board member on People with Disabilities, member of the ACT Government’s Disability Reference Group and Council of the Ageing (COTA). 

She volunteers with community service groups and as a stroke survivor from 20 years ago, is a long-term member of the Lunch with Friends group.

“I will advocate for all Canberrans but in particular marginalised groups such as people with disabilities and our ageing population,” she says.

“It is time to elect a candidate who wants change and understands the need for a better life for all.”

Authorised by Mignonne Cullen, independent candidate for Ginninderra

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