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Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Dr Kerrie steps up to role as top doc

New ACT AMA president Dr Kerrie Aust… “I believe so strongly in general practice as the bedrock of primary care.”

Canberra GP Dr Kerrie Aust is the new AMA ACT president. 

Dr Aust was inspired to study medicine in her late teens and early twenties by compassionate doctors caring for her mother, who required palliative care.

“I had first-hand experience of the difference it makes to have your own GP who has an ongoing relationship with your family, and that’s one of the reasons I believe so strongly in general practice as the bedrock of primary care,” Dr Aust said.

She worked as an internal auditor and fraud investigator before studying medicine at the ANU. 

Dr Aust said she is keen to use her term as president to collaborate with doctors across the territory and the region to see positive change in the ACT Health system.

“I’m looking forward to working both at the territory and the federal level to improve our health system, to the benefit of our whole community.”

She replaces cardiologist Prof Walter Abhayaratna, who will stay on as  AMA ACT secretary. Also elected to the new board are Dr Clair Bannerman, Prof Kirsty Douglas, Dr Iain Dunlop, Dr Betty Ge, Dr Marisa Magiros, Dr Andrew McMahon, Dr James Miller and Dr Jason Gluch.


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