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Labor, coalition primary vote support slips: poll

Newspoll has registered a dip in primary vote support for both the coalition and Labor. (Lukas Coch/AAP PHOTOS)

Support for both the federal Labor government and the coalition opposition has slipped, a Newspoll suggests, with the Greens and minor parties or independents gaining ground on primary votes.

The survey, published in The Australian newspaper on Monday, also registered a fall in the popularity of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton ahead of the final parliamentary sitting week before the winter break.

On primary votes, Newspoll says the coalition is down three points to 36 per cent while Labor shed one point to 32 per cent since the previous survey three weeks ago.

The Greens rose two points to 13 per cent and support for other minor parties and independents also increased by two points to 12 per cent.

Backing for One Nation is unchanged on seven per cent, a result consistent for the fifth Newspoll in a row.

Labor has taken a lead over the coalition on a two-party-preferred basis, 51 per cent to 49 per cent, after a prior survey last month put support for the two at 50 per cent each.

There was an increase in respondents who said they were not satisfied with the performance of Mr Albanese and Mr Dutton.

The prime minister’s net satisfied/dissatisfied rating deteriorated from minus 7 to minus 11 while the opposition leader sank from minus 10 to minus 16.

The survey of 1260 voters was conducted online between June 24 and June 28.

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