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Sunday, October 6, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Libs target rejuvenation of ovals and shops

Peter Cain… “A Canberra Liberals Government will rejuvenate Fraser Oval to deliver a new irrigated sportsground in Belconnen for use by schools, sporting organisations and the general public.”

Liberal MLA Peter Cain says he’s knocked on tens of thousands of doors in Ginninderra over the past four years “and one of the things that is continuously raised with me is how our suburbs have long been neglected by the Labor-Greens government”.

He’s part of the policy announcement by his party that includes rejuvenating Fraser Oval, expediting the redevelopment of McKellar shops as well as a new Northside Hospital and an improved walk-in centre in West Belconnen where GPs will work with nurses.

The Canberra Liberals say they will also will also upgrade local sporting facilities including Holt cricket ground and undertake comprehensive noise and traffic study on Southern Cross Drive, as well as additional funding for footpath maintenance and upgrades to playgrounds and local shops.

“A Canberra Liberals Government will rejuvenate Fraser Oval to deliver a new irrigated sportsground in Belconnen for use by schools, sporting organisations and the general public,” says Mr Cain.

“Upgrades to Holt cricket ground will also better facilitate premier cricket in West Belconnen and we will Convert MacGregor’s existing concrete cricket pitch into a synthetic cricket pitch and refurbish the nets.

“A number of our shopping centres have also long been neglected and that is why the Canberra Liberals will expedite the re-development of the mixed-use commercial and residential complex at the McKellar shops and prioritise investment in West Belconnen by accelerating the proposed redevelopment of Kippax Fair.”

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