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Saturday, January 11, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Propaganda to obscure ‘appalling’ hospital record

North Canberra Hospital signage goes into place. Photo: Andrew Campbell.

The Canberra Liberals are accusing the ACT government of spending up to $1.5 million on health propaganda in the lead up to the ACT election in October, to obscure the government’s “appalling record” on delivering health infrastructure.

Opposition health spokeswoman Leanne Castley has questioned the need for the ACT Labor-Greens government to contract  engagement and strategic communications consultants to improve “stakeholders’ and the community’s understanding of the health infrastructure”.

“There are 37 in-house communications and engagement staff in the health portfolio. Then there is the new Consumer Reference Group providing input into all health infrastructure projects.

“Yet still the government is spending up to $1.5 million of Canberra taxpayers’ money with Sydney consultants to create a sizzle about proposed infrastructure projects, while falling short on delivering actual sausages.”

She claims the contract calls on the consultants to “plan and deliver… an engagement activation focused on educating Canberrans on Health Infrastructure and key projects, specifically the Northside Hospital Project.”

Ms Castley said she was sceptical about whether the promised $1 billion northside hospital would commence construction in 2025-26 or be operational by 2030-31.

“Coming up to another election, we have another pie-in-the-sky hospital promise from Labor.  That’s why they think they need to spend $1.5 million on communications consultants.

“The 2023-24 ACT Budget showed estimated completion dates for at least 20 projects delayed since the last budget.”


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