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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

$10,000 for Nepal from the ACT Government

earthquake damage

ANDREW Barr has donated $10,000 on behalf of the ACT Government to assist the victims of the devastating earthquake in Nepal.

“The ACT Government’s donation to the Oxfam Australia Nepal Earthquake Relief Appeal will contribute towards the funding required to provide humanitarian support to the region,” Andrew said.

“It was distressing to hear of the powerful earthquake that hit Nepal on Saturday morning, leaving more than 5,000 people confirmed dead, injuring thousands and destroying homes and infrastructure.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs Yvette Berry MLA has also encouraged members of the Canberra community to show their support for the people of Nepal during this time of loss and tragedy by attending the Australia-Nepal Friendship Society (ANFC) of Canberra’s candlelight vigil tonight at 5:30pm in Garema Place

“The vigil is an opportunity for all Canberrans to commemorate the victims and express our ongoing support for the people of Nepal and the Nepalese community in Canberra,” said Minister Berry.

To make a donation to the Oxfam Australia Nepal Earthquake Relief Appeal visit

[“Nepal Earthquake 2015 01” by Krish DulalOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.]

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