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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Free laptops for public high school students under Labor

EVERY public high school student and college student will receive a free Chromebook, if ACT Labor is re-elected on Saturday (October 17).

The $4.125 million, per year, commitment, will also see 277 households get access to free internet, including connection and data, and access points such as dongles, as party of the commitment. 

The commitment, announced today (October 12) will also include eSafety support for families and schools, such as additional resources and webinars, such as a new dedicated eSafety expert.

The party has already announced 400 additional teachers and support staff, 25 new teacher librarians, zero emission schools in the Molonglo Valley, west Belconnen and two new schools in Gungahlin.

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