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Website to help prevent bike theft spike

Photo: Senthan Thani

A WEBSITE was launched today (November 2) to help prevent bike theft after almost 800 bikes were stolen in the ACT last year. 

The website, “Bikelinc”, was launched in partnership between Crime Stoppers and ACT police, as an online community tool that connects people to their bikes, police and the cycling community.

ACT Policing Detective Inspector Mark Rowswell says bike owners can create a free profile for their bike using the bike’s serial number to link it to them.

“We know in recent years more Canberrans have bought bikes which is great for our community but as a result bike theft has grown by more than 25 per cent in the ACT since 2017. In 2019, 787 bikes were reported stolen,” Mr Rowswell says.

The Crime Stoppers chair in the ACT and Australia, Diana Forrester, says Bikelinc will be a game changer for the reduction of bike theft in the ACT, saying police officers are very successful in recovering and retrieving bikes but have difficulty in returning them to their owners.

This searchable tool, originally developed by Crime Stoppers WA and used with remarkable success there for almost a year, allows police to check Bikelinc in order to confirm the ownership of bikes that come into their possession, she says.

“We were keen to introduce Bikelinc in the ACT, because it has been so successful in WA where 1200 bike users have listed more than 15,000 bikes, with a total approximate value of $25 million. More than 30 bikes, worth approximately $45,000, have already been reunited with their rightful owners and numerous police investigations have been assisted through Bikelinc,” she says.

“Bike theft enquiries often uncover other stolen goods, or drug raids on properties uncover stolen bikes.

“We have a large and enthusiastic biking community in Canberra, many with very sophisticated, expensive bikes which will be safer if they are registered with Bikelinc. It’s a proven Crime Stoppers’ platform so the ACT community can trust that their personal information will be kept safe and secure.”

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