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Thursday, January 2, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Skywhale family takes flight

Skywhale… Canberra flights will be on February 6, March 8 and April 3.

PATRICIA Piccinini’s “Skywhalepapa” is a monumental hot-air balloon sculpture, a new companion/partner to Skywhale. The new “Skywhale family” will be launched near the NGA and take flight over Canberra three times, then will float across the skies of Australia. In celebration, the gallery will hold “Super Sunday” from 11am and 3pm on February 7, a free interactive program for the whole family. “Skywhales: Every Heart Sings” Canberra flights, 5.30am, February 6, March 8 and April 3. Free. Book here.

Warehouse Circus’ 30th anniversary show “Interrobang”… Belconnen Arts Centre, January 30-February 6.

AFTER a year of uncertainty, the students of Warehouse Circus are finding triumph in their 30th anniversary show “Interrobang”, a summation of their skills acquired over the years. An interrobang, we hear, is a combination question and exclamation mark, a mixture of awed bemusement and excitement, and it looks like this – ? – which they say sums up circus nicely. The theatre, Belconnen Arts Centre from January 30-February 6. Book here.

THE Morrison Government has announced that it will support 30 arts tours across Australia during 2021, providing a major boost to artists and audiences, particularly in remote and regional communities. The Government will invest more than $3.6 million through the latest rounds of two touring programs, Playing Australia: Regional Performing Arts Touring Fund and the Contemporary Music Touring Program. One of the largest grant recipients is the Bangarra Dance Theatre Company, which received almost $500,000 in funding.

Beginner world dance classes… Folk Dance Canberra, from February 3.

FOLK Dance Canberra is holding beginner world dance classes, where participants can travel the world of exotic music and dance from the safety of Canberra. Suitable for all ages, the classes provide physical and social well-being through dance and no partner is necessary. Evening and day classes on Wednesday nights and Thursday mornings, start from February 3 at 114 Maitland Street, Hackett. Inquiries to 6286 6401, 0420 524 412 or

HELEN, Mio and Johannes Kuhnen’s Bilk Gallery has been showcasing contemporary glass and metal for over 14 years but has moved to their private studio on Captains Flat Road. It’s open by appointment to until the next exhibition and as well, there are a small number of places available in jewellery and enamel classes on Wednesdays, email

Lelsey Andersen, ‘Winds of Change’… Lime Flamingo Collective’s ‘OutsideIn | InsideOut’, Belconnen Arts Centre, February 5-March 21.

THE Lime Flamingo Collective, artists Lesley Andersen, Jenny Blake, Jodie Cunningham, Sarah Earle, Roger Hancock, Gillian Jackson, Diane McWhirter, Angella Price and Jo Walters, are holding their first group exhibition, “‘OutsideIn | InsideOut” in West Gallery, Belconnen Arts Centre, 6pm on February 5 to March 21. The exhibition includes a small body of work from each artist including drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, digital printing and sculpture.

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Ian Meikle, editor

Helen Musa

Helen Musa

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