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Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Links found to all 22 new covid cases

Chief Minister Andrew Barr.

CANBERRA has recorded 22 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 67. The median age of confirmed cases is 19 years. 

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr announced the latest rise in numbers at the daily 11.45am media conference, but said fortunately all of the new cases can be linked to existing cases. 

Sixty-three of the 67 cases can now be linked as well. The other four remain under investigation, and the source of Canberra’s outbreak remains a mystery. 

During this outbreak, Canberra’s second, ACT chief health officer Dr Kerryn Coleman said the ACT is seeing a lot of young people testing positive to COVID-19 with cases identified at Harrison School, UC Lake Ginninderra College and St Thomas Aquinas Primary School.

This comes after cases were confirmed at Gold Creek School and Lyneham High School. 

ACT Health has also been able to identify places where transmission has taken place and say that Lyneham High School is associated with 15 cases, the Fiction nightclub site is linked to 13 cases, the Lennock Jaguar dealership has six cases, the Belconnen basketball stadium is linked to five, Gold Creek School is linked to five, Assembly Bar is linked to two and the Downer Community Centre is linked to three cases.

The list of self-identified close contacts has increased by more than 12,000 people and there are now more than 190 exposure locations listed for the ACT. 

There are no covid cases in hospital.

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