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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Barr: Restrictions will stay in place over spring

CANBERRA will not see any significant easing of restrictions, with ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr saying restrictions will ease gently, with some restrictions remaining in place through spring. 

Mr Barr said they will implement gentle steps forward until the nation reaches key vaccination targets. 

While the ACT looks like it might reach these targets first, Mr Barr said the ACT chief health officer will consider the risks of the rest of the nation before completely opening up Canberra.

“What we need to do now is restrict the interaction between people as much as possible,” he said. 

“If you get infected, you will bring the virus home. We’re also seeing a lot of workplace transmission and they too will take the virus home and infect their household. 

“That’s how you go from one case to hundreds of cases to thousands as we’re seeing over the border.”

The chief health officer will brief the ACT cabinet this afternoon and an announcement about changes to the public health settings will be made tomorrow (August 27).

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