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Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Barr: Easing restrictions will rely on vaccinations

AstraZeneca vaccine.

THE territory can only gradually ease restrictions as the vaccination rate increases, said ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr. 

He was discussing what Canberra will look like in the next three months at the daily covid press conference (September 2) and said: “There will be inconveniences, there will be frustrations.” 

While he said the government will try to minimise these inconveniences as much as possible, he urged Canberrans to help in three ways get vaccinated, get tested and stay away from people.

“The next few months, while we fully vaccinate hundreds of thousands of Canberrans are going to be difficult,” he said.

“We have so many competing priorities that we have to balance over the coming months but our number one priority is public health.” 

However, he said there will be no freedom day at 70 per cent vaccinations.

“It can’t be freedom day. It’s not safe. But does allow some relaxation of restrictions,” he said.

Yesterday the ACT conducted about 2500 tests, which he said was not high enough. His comment came after the territory recorded 12 new covid cases in the past 24 hours, with eight of them infectious in the community. 

“The virus is out in our community so it is critical, if you have symptoms, to get tested as soon as possible,” he said.

“This is not a time to shoulder on if you are unwell. 

“If you have symptoms, if you test positive, you must self-isolate and quarantine. 

“And finally we need to follow the public health directions. Stay away from other people as much as you possibly can. Wear a mask and wear it properly.  

“If we can all do this, we can look forward to a great Christmas with family and friends.”

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