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Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

All students will return to school for Term 4

ALL school students in the ACT will return to on campus learning in Term 4.

The arrangements announced today (September 27) include early childhood education and care and out of school hours care services from Monday, October 25.

Also from Monday, (week four, Term 4), preschool, kindergarten, and years 1, 2, 6, 9 and 10 can return to on campus learning. These year groups will also be able to attend their usual out of school hours care programs.

Then, from Monday, November 1, (week five, Term 4), years 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 can return to on campus learning.

As previously announced, year 12 students can start returning to on campus learning from October 5, and year 11 students can return to on campus learning from  October 18.

When announcing this staggered return to schooling, ACT Education Minister Yvette Berry said health and safety measures will be in place in schools to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission, including:

  • encouraging vaccination of eligible students, staff and families,
  • mandatory use of the Check In Canberra app for all adults,
  • ensuring fresh air ventilation is optimised in all settings,
  • physical distancing measures for adults, and
  • mandatory mask wearing for staff across all schools, and for students in years 7-12.

Other measures in place will include limiting the mingling of classes and year groups, staggering breaks, increased use of outdoor spaces, limitation of on-site visitors to essential visitors only, environmental cleaning, and high vigilance around not allowing anyone with symptoms of illness to attend, she said.

“The approach being taken is informed by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee advice for minimising COVID-19 transmission in schools and the Chief Health Officer’s Health Guidelines for Schools and Early Childhood Education Services (including out of school hours care),” she said.

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