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Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Preparation underway for 2021-22 bushfire season

ACT Emergency Services Agency (ACTESA) Commissioner, Georgeina Whelan has announced the beginning of the 2021 – 2022 bushfire season today (November 1).

Increased rainfall over winter and spring saw the commencement of the bushfire season delayed, but authorities are warning that when grass begins to dry out over summer it will increase the threat of grass fires.

“Grass fires can move three times faster than a bushfire and can start easily and spread quickly,” said Commissioner Whelan.

“If your home is impacted by a grass fire, it’s usually not required to leave your suburb or local area. Instead, avoid driving and blocking roads for emergency vehicles.

“Simply walk several streets away from the risk and stay up to date with emergency information via the ACTESA channels.”

Ms Whelan said the community should be confident knowing that firefighting agencies within the territory are prepared for the approaching season.

“The ACT Rural Fire Service (ACTRFS) has been proactively preparing in the off season by providing ongoing skill and maintenance training as well as monitoring areas for heightened risk,” she said.

“We are now encouraging our community to also prepare, and that includes our Rural Landowners who, through the maintenance of their rural homes and properties, provide essential land management and protection from fires which start in more rural areas.”

ACT Rural Fire Service Chief Officer Rohan Scott said that whilst the ACTRFS has been undertaking their usual training and working with land managers to prepare the territories outer protection zones, the service had also invested in new technology to increase the rapid detection of fires.

“ACTRFS has proudly partnered with The Minderoo Foundation, Optus, and the Australian National University to trial the use of ‘ground sensing’ cameras to improve detection times, allowing for a quicker response to bushfires,” Chief Officer Scott said.

“These cameras are located at the top of all ACT fire towers and were successfully trialled across the 2020-21 fire season. The cameras will be a great asset to our firefighters this season,” he said.

For more information on how to Be Emergency Ready, and to prepare your Emergency Survival Plan, visit

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