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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Rattenbury comment sparks no-confidence move in Barr

“THE chief minister has lost control of his cabinet and his government,” said Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee, ahead of launching a no-confidence motion in Andrew Barr in the Assembly today (August 3).

Shane Rattenbury.

She said the chief minister could no longer guarantee supply given Greens Leader Shane Rattenbury’s commitment to vote against an item of expenditure in the ACT Budget on the floor of the Assembly.

“As Leader of the Greens, Cabinet member and Expenditure Review Committee member, Mr Rattenbury helped to pull this budget together,” Ms Lee said.

“For him to now indicate that he does not fully support the budget is in stark contravention of cabinet solidarity, his role as a government minister, and the contents of the Labor-Greens Parliamentary and Governing Agreement.

“The fact is, the chief minister has lost control of his cabinet and his government; the Labor-Greens Government is deeply divided.

“For government ministers to indicate that they will not support the government’s budget is untenable, it is a shambolic mess.”


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