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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Homeless man charged over Belconnen stabbing

A 26-year-old homeless man has been charged with multiple offences following an altercation on Friday between two men at a residence on Ranken Loop in Belconnen, during which one man was stabbed. 

The man was taken hospital with serious injuries.

Yesterday afternoon (Wednesday, 28 August 2024) officers from ACT Policing Criminal Investigations attended

Police arrested the alleged perpetrator at a homeless shelter in north Canberra. A subsequent search of his belonging revealed a knife and other items, which were taken for forensic examination.

The man was charged with recklessly inflicting grievous bodily harm, making a reckless threat to inflict grievous bodily harm and damaging property.

Man stabbed during fight in Belconnen

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