"In between a mass of weasel words, this stark admission: 'So far in the 2024-2025 financial year, three detainees have already died while in custody at the AMC'." ROSS FITZGERALD fights on to free imprisoned whistleblower David McBride.
"We have come to rely on the European honey bee for all our food and garden needs, but there are many native Australian bees that do just as much work," says gardening columnist JACKIE WARBURTON.
MR SHUSH CAPITAL, the mysterious creator of the brilliant Keeping Up the ACT comic strip muses on what went on behind the last edition's mighty salute to 35 years of self government in the ACT.
Political columnist ANDREW HUGHES casts a wide net in summing up his five key findings from the ACT election including whether the Hare-Clark system still works best for Canberra.
A 28-year-old man allegedly threatened to kill his former partner, hit the woman in the face and urinated on her carpet, couch and clothing on Monday night.
"In Queensland, Premier Stephen Miles and his ALP government are seen as weak, incompetent and overwhelmed. This is an electorally terminal combination," writes PROF ROSS FITZGERALD.