At Tuggeranong Arts Centre this weekend, Marcel Cole is presenting his new physical comedy show, Smile, where he’ll play Charlie Chaplin’s Little Tramp, reports HELEN MUSA.
Celebrating its 40th anniversary with the theme of What do You Dream, Ausdance ACT is staging one of its biggest Youth Dance Festivals, featuring live dance made by secondary schools from all over Canberra and its immediate regions.
Just how Russian do you have to be to call yourself The Great Moscow Circus? Well not at all, as HELEN MUSA discovers when she catches up with Mark Edgley, who’s promoting the brand for a multi-stage new 'Extreme' show.
In what he calls “a myriad of glittering reflections”, newly-announced director of the ANU Drill Hall Gallery, Tony Oates, has curated an exhibition of work by two of our late artists who have put the visual art in Canberra on the map.
"A clever production destined to be remembered as being among Queanbeyan Players' best." Reviewer BILL STEPHENS is quite taken by Nice Work If Your Can Get It!