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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

‘Landmark’ moment as ACT passes same sex marriage bill

THE ACT has become the first jurisdiction in Australia to recognise same sex marriage.

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher
Chief Minister Katy Gallagher
More than 100 members of the public watched a debate on the Marriage Equality Bill in the Legislative Assembly today.

The bill passed this morning with the support of Greens MLA Shane Rattenbury, allowing an authorised celebrant to marry a same-sex couple within the ACT.

Mr Rattenbury says the passage of the bill is a “landmark moment” for the Assembly, the ACT community, and for people across the nation.

“Today the ACT, through the vote in this Assembly, says that we are a place that cares about people, cares about their human rights, and cares about equality and fairness,” Mr Rattenbury says.

“When you think about it, this is really a straightforward law expressing something that should be clear already. It simply says ‘love is love’, and the public and formal commitment of love is something that cannot, and should not, be restrained.”

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher said that her government had moved to enact the law despite the threat of a High Court challenge by the Federal Government.

“There is no longer any excuse, if there ever was, to discriminate against same sex couples in our community,” she said.

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