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Monday, February 24, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

ActewAGL complete their helicopter patrols and release a flashy video

SINCE December 1 ActewAGL has been conducting helicopter inspections of powerlines across Canberra and the surrounding region. These patrols are now complete and ActewAGL have thanked the ACT community for its patience during this time.

Their helicopter has patrolled over 1,400 kilometres of powerlines to ensure trees and vegetation are not growing too close.

The helicopter patrols allow ActewAGL to cover vast areas in both urban and rural locations. The onboard technology also allows them to accurately identify potential hazards. The helicopter uses specially designed LiDAR scanner which is a remote sensing technology that can determine the distance between powerlines and vegetation. By using LiDAR they’re able to estimate the clearances between powerlines and vegetation to within two centimetres.

The helicopter patrols also provide an opportunity for ActewAGL to confirm that its vegetation management program has been implemented effectively and also form a key part of the organisation’s bushfire mitigation program.

heli patrol

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