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‘Classical Encounters’ for student musicians

THE “Classical Encounters” program, to be launched at Canberra Grammar School this Sunday, May 11, is the brainchild of Joshua Healey, a year 12 student at the school.

Kalina Krusteva
Kalina Krusteva

Beginning with a cello recital and masterclass, the idea of the program is to invite prominent music teachers from across Australia to visit Canberra and conduct lessons for student musicians. The lessons will be open to all music students from Canberra and the region, from both secondary and tertiary institutions.

At 2 PM this Sunday in the school’s Tim Murray Theatre, Melbourne cellist Kalina Krusteva will be staging the inaugural masterclass.

Cellist with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and as a regular guest principal with Orchestra Victoria and Victorian Opera, Krusteva has also performed as a guest principal with the Brighton Philharmonic, the Royal Philharmonic and as a principal of the Russian Chamber Orchestra.

Sunday’s event will consist of a 30 minute recital followed by a two hour Masterclass for four student cello players. The Masterclass will be held in front of an audience,  allowing more people than just the students on stage to benefit from Krusteva’s teaching.

Healey has a lot on his plate; coordinating “Classical Encounters” and preparing for the HSC. Developing the idea, he believes, provides opportunities for him and his contemporaries to gain experience in event management.

“Musicians are forever participating in concerts and recitals, “says Healey. “But as a music student you are not taught about the logistics of running such an event. I have already learned so much through the experience of launching ‘Classical Encounters’ and I hope that, after I graduate, the program will continue to be managed year after year by other students.”

Kalina Krusteva masterclass, at the Tim Murray theatre, Canberra Grammar School, Monaro Crescent, Red Hill, 2 PM, Sunday, May 11, audience tickets at the door.

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