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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Warm weather will bring out the drunks

TWENTY one people out drinking over the weekend in Canberra, needed help from police. 

Police-station-0553-175x175Regional targeting sergeant, Max Mokrij said: “As we approach the warmer months and more people head out drinking, we expect that the number of intoxicated people needing help will increase.”

During the weekend 10 people were placed into protective custody at the ACT Watch House and another nine were taken to the Sobering Up Shelter by police. A further two people were released into the care of their family.

According to Mokrij, the Regional Targeting Team (RTT) provides high-visibility policing in Canberra’s license premises and entertainment precincts.

“Where police have concerns for someone’s welfare due to their level of intoxication, we have options to ensure their safety.

“If someone is highly intoxicated and RTT is unable to locate a sober friend or family member to take care of them, police will transport the individual to the Sobering Up Shelter or the ACT Watch House to keep them safe while they sober up.”

The Sobering Up Shelter provides overnight support, care and monitoring for people over the age of 18 who are heavily drunk or on drugs. Drunk people behaving aggressively are taken to the Civic watch house.

Mokrij says police want everyone to have a fun night out and then make it home safely.

“We ask that you look after your friends – if a friend has had too much to drink, please don’t leave them alone but help them make it home safely.”



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