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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Civic ‘coward punch’ attacker caught on video

Police believe anyone who knows the offender will recognise him in the video footage
FOOTAGE has been released of a man, who allegedly committed a “coward punch” attack on another man near the London Circuit taxi rank.

It was about 3am, on Saturday, November 26, 2016 when a man, who was at the taxi rank on London Circuit, near Cube night club, was approached by three other men.

One of those men punched the waiting man from behind, knocking him unconscious and inflicting injuries that required emergency surgery.

The offender immediately fled the scene and was spotted by a nearby CCTV camera a short time later.

Police believe anyone who knows the offender will recognise him in the video footage and are appealing to anyone who can confirm this man’s name to come forward and speak to police.

Case officer first constable Jarrad Drennan says since the incident, police have investigated numerous leads and are seeking public assistance to identify the person responsible.

“If you know this man, you should contact police. Our efforts to locate and apprehend him will continue, and the investigation of an attack like this will not close until he is caught,” he says.

Police are urging anyone who may have any information that could assist police to identify the attacker to contact 1800 333000, or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website using reference number 6039160.

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