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Saturday, February 22, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

It’s started: ‘Times’ lops literary and arts editors

Diana Streak.
THE literary editor and the arts editor at “The Canberra Times” have been offered redundancies as the foreshadowed Fairfax downsizing starts to bite in the national capital.

The positions currently held, respectively, by Gia Metherell (also a union representative) and Diana Streak are believed to be surplus to the Fairfax plan of centralising editorial functions, presumably at “The Sydney Morning Herald” or the Melbourne “Age”. Film reviewing at “The Canberra Times” has been done out of town for some years.

“Times” editor Rod Quinn has declined at least one media call for comment.

Long-time books reviewer and former head of the ANU library Colin Steele, who is known to be upset at the demise of the paper’s local literary reviewing function and its effect on Canberra writers, will discuss his dismay with broadcaster Genevieve Jacobs on her ABC radio show this afternoon.

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