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Urban noise levels back on for discussion

urban sounds cover

ANDREW Barr says the ACT Government is seeking the views of the community on ensure Canberra has vibrant entertainment everyone can enjoy.

“We want to encourage a dynamic entertainment culture in our city – supporting restaurants, cafes and night-time entertainment areas, as well as events that bring Canberrans together,” Andrew said.

“However, we have to recognise that as our city grows, we need a balance between these activities and the rights of people living nearby.

“‘Urban Sounds’ proposes a range of options related to planning frameworks for everyday sound from restaurants, licensed premises, music venues and one-off events in mixed-use areas, including:

  • establishing special entertainment precincts in central locations to cater for activities and events with higher noise levels, for example Garema Place, Kingston Foreshore and arts precinct, EPIC, Fyshwick and Hume
  • establishing exclusive entertainment precincts that would exclude quiet uses and residential accommodation and enable more relaxed noise rules
  • publishing information for potential home buyers and commercial operators to make them aware of increased noise levels in mixed use areas.

Mick Gentleman says the results of the consultation would help form the future of Canberra’s mixed-use precincts like Kingston Foreshore, New Acton and Braddon.

“Canberra is already a dynamic city offering people vibrant and exciting places to live, work, and visit. The ACT Government is committed to ensuring Canberra continues to evolve as the coolest little capital in the world.” Mick said.

“Entertainment spaces are an important part of Canberra’s culture, identity and economy. We know from Time to Talk Canberra 2030 consultations that more Canberrans want to live—and are already living—in areas that offer entertainment as well as residential accommodation.

“As we continue to invest in high quality urban renewal we must find a balance between activating spaces and ensuring the community gets a range of mixed-use experiences. Successful urban renewal and an enhanced framework for managing live events will ensure mixed-use areas cater for residents, businesses and visitors alike.

“I encourage all Canberrans to have their say on the future of Canberra’s Urban Sounds and be involved in Canberra’s ongoing development.

The discussion paper will feed into the ACT Government’s broader Live Event and Urban Renewal strategies making sure Canberra can adapt to changing lifestyles and increasing interest in a variety of entertainment opportunities.

For more information and to take part, visit

Report available at:

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Ian Meikle, editor

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One Response to Urban noise levels back on for discussion

Ian W Morison says: 5 August 2016 at 12:55 pm

I regret the loss of Sunday afternoon band music from Brassey House, which to me as a next-door neighbour was pleasantly entertaining. However another neighbour protested to the authorities and Brassey ceased being a venue for these events. Local live bands lost one more place to provide entertainment and make a few bucks.
I’m in favour of policing the constant barking of neglected dogs [its the staccato and repetitive nature of the sound that’s hard to take], but I’m not in favour of tightening allowable sound levels from music venues.


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