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Friday, September 20, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Gentleman proposes higher noise levels in Civic

IN an attempt to strengthen Canberra’s nightlife, Planning Minister Mick Gentleman is proposing a pilot to allow higher noise levels in parts of Civic over the summer months and during the festive season.

Mick Gentleman

“Entertainment hubs to encourage live music are being explored as part of a plan to help make Canberra’s night economy even stronger and more vibrant,” Mr Gentleman says.

“We will review the community and business response and the pilot results will provide a case study to inform future entertainment hubs across the territory.

“The plan proposes designated hubs that emphasise nightlife activities in specific locations through higher noise limits, land use planning, soundproofing, and building design. We want more gigs in Canberra and for entertainment, retail and hospitality to be enjoyed well into the evening.”

The plan is available at

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