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Wednesday, March 19, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

ACT government extends covid financial relief packages

LANDLORDS and a number of businesses have been handed further financial relief from the ACT government in light of the ongoing effects of the pandemic.

The government will continue its COVID-19 support by extending a range of measures that were set to end this month.

The extension of support is targeted to industries most impacted, as the government gathers more data and information about the impacts this year on the economy.

Residential landlords have been rewarded for the role they have played during the height of the pandemic to ensure Canberrans could remain at home, the government says.

The residential tenancy relief measure has provided land tax and rates rebates to residential landlords, who have reduced rent charged by at least 25 per cent for tenants.

Almost 950 applications have already been received, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars of rent for Canberrans who have been impacted by COVID-19.

The government is extending the measure for residential landlords and tenants until June 30.

Extending residential tenancy relief will help Canberrans after the Commonwealth’s JobKeeper and JobSeeker supports are reduced.

Commercial tenancies relief will also be extended until January 31 to align with the current end date for the National Cabinet mandatory code of conduct.

The measure supports businesses significantly by providing rates rebates to landlords who reduce rents for affected business tenants as well as affected owner-operators.

More than 500 applications have been received as part of the measure, and applications will be accepted up to two months until March 31.

Payroll tax waivers and exemption assistance have been further extended for employers after first being waived from April until September this year for businesses directly impacted from National Cabinet decisions back in March.

Payroll tax exemptions will continue for business that are still unable to operate due to ACT government health-related restrictions, while case-by-case waivers for those that can only operate on a very limited basis continues until June 30.

Payroll tax exemption for wages paid to new apprentices or trainees employed after August 1 until June 30, 2021 has also been extended.

Lease variation charge remission will be extended at a reduced rate of 25 per cent to further support the construction industry across the ACT.

But payroll tax deferral for the construction industry will not be extended past December 31, 2020.

Gaming machine authorisation surrender incentive and tapering of rental relief on ACT government properties initiative for community tenants who continue to be severely limited from COVID-19 will both until June 30, 2021.

The government will review other COVID-19 support measures due to expire next year, either on March 31 or June 30 as part of the 2020-21 budget.


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