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Police stumble across Higgins drug lab

Chemicals seized from the Higgins drug lab.

ORIGINALLY responding to reports of a burglary, police stumbled across a makeshift drug lab in Higgins this week.

Called to the Brazel Street residence on Tuesday afternoon (October 27) police discovered a large amount of chemicals and related equipment in a shed at the rear of the property.

Police cleared and cordoned off the surrounding area before the Clandestine Laboratory Team, AFP Forensics and ACT Government Analytical Laboratory were able to attend the following day.

Police say ACTGAL and AFP Forensics members assessed the chemicals and identified them to be controlled precursors used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, amphetamine, MDA and MDMA.

Police seized more than 90 chemical items including recipes and an assortment of equipment related to the manufacture of controlled drugs.

Sgt David Fleming, of the Drugs and Organised Crime team, said: “Some of the items seized were found to be in a very hazardous state.

“Clandestine drug laboratories use toxic chemicals that can be modified to make illicit drugs or explosives, making them extremely volatile and at risk of causing fires or explosions.

“If you see something suspicious such as covered windows, strong odours, burnt patches of grass, presence of chemical buckets or containers, large exhaust fans and unusual rubbish, call Crime Stoppers.”

Anyone with information should call 1800 333000 or via the Crime Stoppers ACT website. Information can be provided anonymously. More information on clandestine drug laboratories and what to look for is at ACT Policing website.

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