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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Voters have two days to update their enrolment details

ENROLLED Canberra voters have until 6pm, Friday (September 11), to update their enrolment details ahead of the ACT election.

“For those people who have moved house recently I urge you to check your enrolment and, if necessary, update your details prior to the 6pm deadline this Friday,” says ACT electoral commissioner Damian Cantwell.

He says hardcopy enrolment forms are also available online on the Elections ACT website or at the ACT electoral office. Hardcopy forms can be delivered to the following location (in-person or fax).

With more than 99 per cent enrolment, Mr Cantwell says the ACT has the most complete electoral roll in the country.

“The completeness of the ACT electoral roll is once again a national benchmark and recent legislative change means that the small number of people who are not yet enrolled can do so right up until the final day of polling,” he says.

Eligible citizens can enrol, update or check their enrolled address online at

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