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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Covid outbreak: Man in his twenties in intensive care

Chief Minister Andrew Barr.

A MAN in his twenties with no pre-existing health conditions is in intensive care in the ACT with COVID-19. 

The man, who requires ventilation, is not vaccinated. 

He is one of two people requiring ventilation in hospital, due to covid, and is one of four in intensive care. 

At today’s (September 2) covid press conference, ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said he is really concerned that there is a person in their twenties, unvaccinated in intensive care on a ventilator.

He took the opportunity to urge young Canberrans to get vaccinated.

Yesterday 16,210 Canberrans aged between 16-29 booked in for a Pfizer vaccination, however, these will unlikely be administered until October.

He said this means young people will face months without vaccine protection. 

“To people in that age cohort, please be very careful with what you do in the next few months,” he said. 

“We desperately wish we could have more vaccinations. 

“The vaccine you can get today is the best vaccine.”

Thirteen people in total are in hospital with covid. 

The news comes after the ACT recorded 12 new covid cases in the past 24 hours, with eight of them infectious in the community. 

Six are linked to known exposure sites and case and the remaining six are under investigation.

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Ian Meikle, editor

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