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Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Hundreds of firearms surrendered

Surrendered ammunition as part of the 2021 amnesty. Photo: Aaron Gaffney, ACT police.

SINCE the National Firearms Amnesty began about a month ago, 355 firearms have been surrendered to police. 

Of the 355 firearms, 10 were handguns and one was a flame-thrower.

Canberrans also handed in about 70kg of ammunition.

The amnesty kicked off on July 1 and ACT Firearms Registrar, Sergeant Rod Swain said that the first month’s results were pleasing.

“Each of these firearms will be destroyed or properly registered. Those destroyed will not be able to fall into the wrong hands and be used for criminal activity,” he said.

“In the 2017 firearms amnesty more than 700 firearms were surrendered. To have half that number surrendered in one month is a great boost to the safety of our city.

“We’ve had a large number of rifles and shotguns surrendered, as well as some hand guns. We have received some World War I era rifles and a 100-year-old former USA military pistol. Firearms of historical significance will be offered to museums for their collections.

“We maintain our call for anyone who has unregistered or unwanted firearms, ammunition and other weapons to bring them to our facility in Mitchell.”

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